The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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Quick Multiple Format/Copy/Verify For Diskettes
Copyright 1987, 1988 Sydex.
All Rights Reserved.
Version 1.62, December, 1988
P.O. Box 5700
Eugene, OR 97405
(503) 683-6033
THIS IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE and may not be sold without
the author's express written permission. If you have
paid a "public domain" vendor for this program, rest as-
sured that not one bit of what you paid ever gets back
to the author. If you use this program, YOU MUST
REGISTER. Sydex will not answer technical support in-
quiries from unregistered users.
This document is protected by copyright. Any copying,
adaptation, distribution, public performance or public
display of this document without the express written
consent of Sydex is strictly prohibited. The receipt or
possession of this document does not convey any rights
to reproduce or distribute its contents.
Some of the terms used in this document are trademarks of the
following firms:
International Business Machines, Sony, Microsoft, Lotus
Development Corp., Intel Corporation
The non-commercial single-user registration fee for COPYQM is
$15.00 US. The commercial and multisystem site fee is $50.00 for
Send a check or company P.O. for the appropriate amount to:
P.O. Box 5700
Eugene, OR 97405
Please indicate what product you are ordering and if you have a
requirement for 3.5" media. We normally ship 5.25" 360K dis-
kettes, but will furnish 3.5" 720K media upon request.
This is "user-supported" software. You are hereby granted a
license by Sydex to distribute this evaluation copy of COPYQM and
its documentation, subject to the following conditions:
1. COPYQM may be distributed freely without charge in evalua-
tion form only.
2. COPYQM may not be sold, licensed, or a fee charged for its
use. If a fee is charged in connection with COPYQM, it must
cover the cost of copying or dissemination only. Such
charges must be clearly identified as such by the originat-
ing party. Under no circumstances may the purchaser be
given the impression that he is buying COPYQM itself.
3. COPYQM must be presented as a complete unit, including this
documentation. COPYQM's documentation may be not amended
or altered in any way.
4. In granting you the right to distribute the evaluation form
of COPYQM, Sydex does not acknowledge you as the owner of
COPYQM in any form.
Any other use or distribution of COPYQM is expressly
forbidden without the written consent of Sydex.
COPYQM is a utility written to fit a distinct need for multiple
copy production. Those with Formasters or other automatic
duplication equipment are lucky - the rest of us usually have to
Well, no longer. We now have COPYQM. COPYQM:
* Reads all allocated tracks from a DOS diskette and
saves the data in local memory.
* Formats a blank diskette "only" on the allocated (used)
tracks, copies the data from the original source, and
verifies the copy.
* Optionally formats the rest of the blank diskette.
COPYQM uses a "Look Ma - no hands!" method where the PC keyboard
is never used during the copy process; diskette changes are
simply "sensed" by the program. A graphic display of what's
going on makes for quick and easy operation.
COPYQM will not handle non-DOS diskettes or DOS diskettes with
copy protection. Nor will COPYQM handle master diskettes with
errors, or diskettes formatted in non-standard formats. Other-
wise, COPYQM will copy all standard IBM PC-DOS formats, provided
that you have enough memory of some kind available to hold the
data contained on the master.
COPYQM requires a PC XT-, AT- or PS/2-compatible computer to run.
It wil not work with the Tandy 2000, IBM PC Jr. or similar non-
COPYQM reads all of the data from the master diskette and stores
it away. If you're copying a relatively full 720K, 1.2M or
1.44M diskette, this means that you'll have to have some sort of
additional memory available, be it EMS (expanded memory), ex-
tended memory (on the PC-AT) or hard disk storage. 360K dis-
kettes on a 512K PC usually will manage to fit all of the dis-
kette data into available memory.
To use COPYQM, enter a command of the following form at the DOS
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COPYQM drive: drive: parameters
Drive: is the name of a diskette drive or drives which will be
used for the copy operation, for example A: or B:. If you have
two or more drives and you want to alternate copies ("flip-flop")
between the drives, you need to specify both drive names. The
drives should be of the same type; that is, two 360K drives or
two 1.2M drives, although COPYQM will do its best to accommodate
itself to your configuration. Upper- and lower-case letters are
treated as being equivalent by COPYQM.
SPECIAL NOTE: If you have added an external drive which
is not part of the normal drive sequence (A: or B:), and
you use the DRIVER.SYS configuration file to provide ac-
cess to it, you need to read this. Drives not part of
the "base" configuration of your machine are specified
by their physical drive number. For example, suppose
you had installed a 720K 3.5" drive on your PC-XT
clone's two present 360K drives. You probably added a
statement like the following to your CONFIG.SYS file:
COPYQM would be told about this drive by specifying it
as drive "2:" (note the /D:2), rather than by the drive
letter with which it is associated.
Parameters refers to additional fields directing COPYQM to per-
form certain special actions:
Q specifies "Quick" copying. Suppose you wanted to copy
a diskette which is only half filled with data. Nor-
mally, COPYQM would copy this data and then format the
remainder of the target diskette. "Quick" mode omits
formatting the rest of the diskette, thereby saving
time. However, since there will be no format pattern
present on the resulting diskette, a surface copy will
fail if you attempt to use DOS DISKCOPY to copy it.
Similarly, any attempt to add data to the copy will
fail with a diskette write error. However, a normal
DOS file COPY will work just fine. "Quick" mode can
save a lot of time copying diskettes which contain
relatively little data, but keep in mind the aforemen-
tioned restrictions on the resulting copy.
E specifies that Expanded Memory should be used to hold
data that will not fit into your computer's main memory
area. Expanded memory is also referred to as EMS,
EEMS, or LIM (Lotus/Intel/Microsoft). Do not confuse
this with the additional memory present on an 80286 (AT
class) machine. It is helpful to remember that the "E"
stands for EMS.
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X specifies that Extended Memory should be used to hold
data that will not fit into your computer's main memory
area. Extended memory is that 384K out of the 1
Megabyte space on your PC-AT that can't be used for
normal program memory. As there is no formal mechanism
to manage this memory, take care: If you have already
allocated your Extended Memory for use as a RAM Disk or
have used it for other purposes, COPYQM will not know
this and will overwrite whatever you previously had
placed there.
H specifies that your hard disk should be used to hold
data that will no longer fit into your computer's main
memory area. You need to specify which disk will be
used by placing the drive letter of this disk im-
mediately after the "H" in this option. For example,
HC specifies that data will be diverted to disk C: when
memory is filled. The file used to hold COPYQM's data
is created in the current directory and is deleted when
COPYQM terminates.
N specifies that no verification of the copied data is to
be performed. This is one that we accept no respon-
sibility for. Still, if you have a batch of unusually
reliable diskettes and are willing to take a change,
this will trim some of the time off of a copy opera-
# specifies that a "serial number" should be added. This
is a rather specialized option, and is discussed in the
section "Inserting Serial Numbers". If this option is
specified, it must be the last on the command line.
K specifies that a fixed number of copies should be made.
The format of this parameter is:
K number
where number is an integer between 1 and 9,999. If the
K option is present, COPYQM will produce the specified
number of copies and then exit to DOS.
Z specifies that the diskette controller density setting
should not be changed. This option is useful on some
computers with non-standard diskette controllers, such
as the Toshiba T3100.
V specifies that tracks formatted after the end of the
data area should also be verified. This is useful if
the disk will later be written to, rather than being
used as a "read only" master.
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It is possible to specify more than one type of "overflow"
memory. COPYQM makes use of any specified additional memory in
the following order:
1. Extended (X) Memory.
2. Expanded (E) Memory.
3. Hard disk (H) Storage.
If you are copying 360K diskettes on a 640K machine, you will or-
dinarily not need to specify any additional memory types. If
COPYQM runs out of memory, a message will be displayed to that
effect when the master diskette is read.
Here are some examples of COPYQM command statements:
COPYQM A: Copy, normal mode, use drive A:
COPYQM A:B:Q Copy, quick mode, use drives A: and B:
COPYQM 2:E Copy, use physical unit 2 and EMS
COPYQM B:HC Copy, use B: and fixed disk C:
COPYQM B:XEHC Same, but use EMS and Extended memory
COPYQM A:B: K30 Copy, use A: and B:, make 30 copies
If you are copying 360K diskettes on a 640K machine, you will or-
dinarily not need to specify any additional memory types. If
COPYQM runs out of memory, a message will be displayed to that
effect when the master diskette is read.
COPYQM uses a "no keyboard" style of copying. That is, COPYQM
determines when a drive has had a diskette inserted or removed
and proceeds with the copy operation when a diskette change is
detected. The only time you need to touch the keyboard after you
have entered the COPYQM command is to terminate operation of
COPYQM with the ESCape key.
COPYQM is sensitive to "changes" in diskette drive status. When
you start COPYQM, you will need to insert the master diskette in
the drive indicated by COPYQM, even though you may have already
placed the master in the correct drive before entering the COPYQM
command. Simply "popping" the diskette out and then in again
will be sufficient. On 720K and 1.44M micro-floppies, you may
need to write-enable the master diskette before COPYQM will
notice it.
COPYQM must have a "perfect" master diskette. That is, the
master must contain no bad or unreadable sectors. Similarly,
COPYQM produces "perfect" copies; that is, the copy will contain
no bad sectors within the copied data. In the interest of speed,
unused areas of the diskette are "not" verified.
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Operation of COPYQM is simple and can usually be managed by non-
technical personnel.
COPYQM first prompts for the number of copies to be made. If the
ESCape key is pressed, COPYQM will exit to DOS. Otherwise the
number of copies to be made (from 1 to 9,999) is entered, fol-
lowed by the ENTER key, and the COPYQM status display appears.
In this display, COPYQM indicates graphically which drive is ac-
tive and the outcome of each copy operation. Error messages are
displayed in blinking text (bright red, if you have color) and a
count is kept of the number of successful copies made.
When either the requested number of copies has been made, or the
ESCape key is pressed, COPYQM exits to the display requesting the
number of copies to be made. Another number may be entered and
another diskette may be copied. This process repeats until the
ESCape key is depressed in answer to the copy quantity query.
As mentioned above, COPYQM will insert a serial number into any
sector already containing data on your copies. The master dis-
kette is not affected.
The serial numbering option is specified with the # option, which
must be the last option on the COPYQM command line. The format
of this option is:
#SsssOoooLlll=string - or -
The second form is used to specify binary, rather than ASCII
decimal increment arithmetic.
The meaning of each field is as follows:
sss specifies the relative sector on the diskette contain-
ing the serial number. This number can range from 0 to
the number of sectors on the diskette, minus 1. This
number is exactly the same as the relative sector
specified in a DOS DEBUG absolute sector read or write
operation. Note, however, that is number is decimal.
ooo specifies the offset within the sector containing the
serial number. This number ranges from 0 to 511 and is
also decimal.
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lll specifies the length of the serial number field. This
is a decimal number and it, plus the offset may not
exceed 512 (the length of a DOS sector).
string specifies the actual text of the serial number to
be inserted. If longer than the specified length, it
is truncated on the right. If shorter, it is padded
with spaces on the right. This string may contain any
printing characters and extends to the end of the
COPYQM command line but does not include the final car-
riage return. If specified simply as "?", a prompt for
a serial number entry from the console is issued by
After each copy is made by COPYQM, the serial number is incre-
mented. If you've specified the ASCII decimal arithmetic form
of the serial number (#SsssO... etc.), the operation affects only
the NUMERIC characters in the number, and proceeds from right to
left. Consider the following examples of ASCII incrementing:
"1234" becomes "1235"
"1239" becomes "1240"
"123ABC9" becomes "124ABC0"
"UGLY" remains "UGLY"
If you've specified the binary arithmetic form of the serial num-
ber (#BSsssO... etc.), the entire serial number field is treated
as a multi-byte binary number. Consider the following examples
of binary incrementing:
Hex 0000 becomes 0001
Hex FFFF becomes 0000
Hex 34FF becomes 3500
The sector containing the serial number must be one of those
copied by COPYQM. Unallocated sectors are not examined by
COPYQM. The serial number sector is not examined for valid data
or position; the serial number field is simply inserted where
During the process of copying with serial numbers, COPYQM dis-
plays the serial number for the current copy.
For example, the publisher for our commercial software uses
COPYQM to mass-duplicate diskettes and put serial numbers on
them. When we compile a program, we define a "special" serial
number pattern in the source code. The Sydex utility ANADISK is
then used to search for the number on our copy master diskette.
From this information, we prepare a DOS batch file containing a
COPYQM command. The serial number itself is always given as "?",
so it can be entered from the keyboard. For example, our COPYQM
statement looked like this:
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COPYQM A: B: C: D: #S40O170L8=?
In some production situations, it is desirable to keep a record
of all the serial numbers that have been issued. If a "?" is
specified as a serial number, COPYQM will look for a file named
SERIAL.NOS in the current (default) directory. If a file with is
name is found, the last line in the file is used as the beginning
serial number less one for the current session. At the conclu-
sion of the COPYQM session, the will have the serial numbers of
all copies produced appended to its end. If a pre-existing
SERIAL.NOS file cannot be found, the operation of "?" as a serial
number is as described in the preceding paragraphs.
As an example, suppose COPYQM.COM is located on the hard disk,
drive C:. Further, suppose that a copy operation involving
drives A: and B: is to be done. An 8-digit serial number is to
be inserted into sector 15, 10 bytes from the start of the sec-
tor. Serial numbers are to begin with "00010100". We could use
the following statements to do what is required:
echo 00010100>SERIAL.NOS
COPYQM A: B: #S15O10L8=?
The file SERIAL.NOS would then contain a list of serial numbers
reflecting the diskettes copied. After this point, every time
COPYQM was executed, serial numbering would resume where it last
left off.
In COPYQM 1.62 we've added the "V", "Z" and "K" control statement
parameters as well as the serial number logging capability.
We are always happy to hear from you concerning suggestions to
enhance our product's usability. COPYQM 1.62 reflects features
requested by our users.
Page 7
CON->FORMAT - Concurrent "background" diskette formatter.
Features "pop-up" operation and "hot key" activation.
You've got to see it to believe. Supports all current DOS
formats. $15.00 ($50.00 site) registration fee.
22DISK - Transfer files, format, examine and erase files on
"foreign" CP/M diskettes on your PC. Includes tips on sup-
porting 8" and 5.25" single-density diskettes. Contains
definitions for over 200 different formats. $15.00 ($40.00
site) registration fee.
22NICE - A CP/M 2.2 emulation package. Supports the NEC
V-series chips or performs emulation by software for both
the 8080 and Z80 processors. Includes terminal emulation
and diskette handling for common CP/M systems. Includes
22DISK. $30.00 ($75.00 site) registration fee.
ANADISK - The compleat diskette utility. Nothing like it
anywhere else; scan, edit, repair and copy just about any
kind of diskette. $15.00 ($50.00 site) registration fee.
TELEDISK - Turn any diskette into a compressed data file and
vice-versa. Allows you to send and receive entire diskettes
via modem. Even works with some "copy-protected" diskettes.
$20.00 ($65.00 site) registration fee.
COPYQM - Cheap diskette duplicator. Format, copy and verify
multiple diskettes from a single master. Implements "no
keyboard" interaction mode and drive "round robin" servic-
ing. Supports all standard DOS formats. $15.00 ($50.00
site) registration fee.
FORMATQM - Mass diskette formatter - format a box of dis-
kettes at a single sitting. Implements "no keyboard" inter-
action mode and drive "round robin" servicing. Supports all
standard DOS formats. $10.00 ($40.00 site) registration
SIM-CGA Plus - Color Graphics Adapter simulation on
monochrome (Hercules-compatible) graphics-equipped machines.
Available from better software retailers and distributed by
CSS, ABCO and American Software Distributors.
SIM-EMS - Simulate Lotus/Intel/Microsoft Expanded Memory on
PC-AT class machines. Conforms to EMS 4.0 specification.
Distributed by CSS and ABCO.
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